April 27, 2012

Shipping Cookies

The most frequent question that I get in my email is, "Do you ship cookies?"
The answer is, "YES"!!! Most of my cookies travel around the USA, and have even been shipped overseas.

Each cookie is individually wrapped in a cookie sleeve and sealed for freshness. Cookies are bubble wrapped and packaged for shipping. Gift bags, favor bags, gift boxes, tins and baskets have all been sent, as well as cookies in large quantities for events.

USPS flat rate shipping or UPS shipping is used. I have a wonderful relationship with my post office and UPS shop. They get to eat a lot of my sample cookies!

April 7, 2012

Sweet Pansies


by, R. C. Lehmann

Tufted and bunched and ranged with careless art
Here, where the paving-stones are set apart,
Alert and gay and innocent of guile,
The little pansies nod their heads and smile.